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Writer's pictureBelinda

I'm still here!

Where has this year gone? Honestly, it's just flying by! I'm not mad about it now that we're finally getting some warm weather again in Perth.

This post has been a long time coming. I meant to write one for my 12 month surgery anniversary two months ago. And then well, life got in the way!

Since May there's been a bit happen so I'll start with my sleeveaversary on the 15th August.

I woke that day weighing at 74.30kg. A loss of 30.9kg since I started pre-op on the 1st August 2022. I reflected a lot that day on what the last year had been like and what it had done for my life. Yes, the weight loss is massive. My surgeon Dr Michael Tan gave me a great tool in this new sleeved stomach (remember only 20% left behind) and my journey has been seamless. As of the 1st August 2023 my measurements had reduced by 145.5cm.

*these photos are 1st August 2022 & 15th October 2023

My clothing size is 12-14 comfortably. In some things I'm a 10, others still a 14 but I don't care about the number on the label anymore. If ordering online I go by the measurements, in store I usually take both the 12 & 14 then go with whatever fits and looks the best.

However I'm still human. I still emotionally eat, and drink, if I'm being honest. Once I start dabbling in some sweets, or chips it opens up a downward spiral and takes a bit to get me back out of it. My body & mind gets addicted quick to the wrong types of food but the last 12 months I've been teaching myself how to reset and break that addiction better than I used to.

I'm still working on that and I think it will be something I'll need to continue to work on for the foreseeable future. But my recognising of the triggers is getting better & that's progress!

At the end of September my dear grandmother/Oma, Estelle Ollington, passed away at 97. She was my last grandparent to leave this earth and I was so sad when she passed. I couldn't make her graveside service (she didn't want a funeral) as I had a trip to QLD already planned, however thanks to how they do things these days I was able to stream it. Two weeks before her passing my Dad visited her in the aged care and facetimed me so it was great I got to speak to her before her health declined. She was in great spirits and I'll hold that last memory of her close to my heart.

One thing I have been wanting to do for a long time, since really during our IVF time, was to do a wellness retreat. For a long time I followed Belinda Anderson on Instagram and in March of this year I got her newsletter and she said she had some spots available in the October & November retreats in Uki, NSW. I immediately thought, this is it - the time is right and I need to book this. So I did.

2nd October I flew to Brisbane and made my way to the Gold Coast for a few days of R&R ahead of the retreat which was starting on the Thursday 5th. I booked a great spot in Broadbeach in walking distance to the beach and shops & restaurants. The Tuesday morning I did a run along the beach and there were whales breaching out at sea - it was magical! I caught up with my close school friends, my cousin & his kids and another very close friend - each interaction filled my cup and then some.

Arriving at Gymea Eco Retreat for the start of our 4 days was just magical. A handful of us ladies commuted together from Gold Coast airport and the rest joined us there. A couple were late due to the Sydney airport shutting down so we met them the next morning.

All I can say is this was an incredible, life changing, raw & emotional 4 days. We were in our own bubble at Gymea. We ate AMAZING vegan food cooked by Caspar of Organic Passion Catering - I've even ordered one of their cookbooks so I can try and continue eating similarly from home at least a couple of nights a week!

The time we spent on retreat meant something different to each and every one of us. The connections we made not only with ourselves but the other women too is something we can't describe. I learnt a lot about myself and why the way I am and react the way I do and live the way I live. Not all of it bad but there was a lot that slapped me in the face and a lot that crept up on me and surprised me at the last minute. The guidance from Belinda was really unique. She took the time to understand what the group needed and continue to tailor the sessions and guide us in what we needed.

I have incorporated daily meditations and gratitude reflection since the retreat. I feel lighter and calmer in my approach to everything and find myself repeating "peace begins with me" several times during the day. I'm looking forward to exploring other groups and sessions around Perth to continue to grow in this space as it sits well with me.

So today marks 14 months post op and my goals from here are continuing my running. I've now done the 10km Run with Turia program twice now, run the HBF Run for a Reason, City to Surf and Sunset Coast Run, and am about to do the 10km faster program - I'd love to do a sub 60 mins 10km! I'd like to explore some gentle yoga classes around home and also continue to lose a little bit more weight.

Today my measurements have decreased by 153.5cm - I cannot fathom that its over 1.5m I've lost!! My surgeon is definitely not a BMI follower but his maths on ideal weight is height in cm minus 100 + 5. For me that's 168-100+5 = 73cm. I'm currently there which is AWESOME but for me I'd like to be comfortably sitting between 70-73. Once I can maintain that the next step will be to investigate loose skin removal and maybe a lifting of the boobs!

I still double take sometimes at who I am now - not only in the mirror but internally. So much strength I've gained & personal growth in the last 5 years. I'm really proud of me 💛

Over and out for now from me and thanks for reading along! Feel free to share my blog link with anyone you think would benefit, be it from an IVF or weight issue perspective. I'm an open book and am always happy to answer any questions people may have. I'm a big believer in sharing to hopefully help someone else in their struggles. Bel xx

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